2009Toyota LandCruiser HJ80 | Leader of the 2CV pack
Toyota LandCruiser HJ80
Automotive Photography | Drive-by Snapshots | France
Leader of the 2CV pack
Some people drive a Citroën 2CV for fun. Some people want to have more fun with their 2CV and take them on a trip to the Sahara desert in Morocco. A great idea if you are not afraid to take your classic vehicle on long distance trips under sometimes harsh conditions. The French call this kind of adventure “raid” – and it is anyone’s guess whether or not this word originates from being afRAID once or twice along the way. The Toyota LandCruiser HJ80 pictured here seems to belong to the head of the organization committee, called “Le pape organisation”. The bumpers have been removed and the suspension raised. A snorkel and a heavy duty roof-rack kitted out with various gear, necessary for serious off-roading, complete the picture. This rig looks to be ready to tackle some dunes!
Sebastian Motsch | instagram @drivebysnapshots