2017Ferves Ranger and Peel P50 in Akihabara
Japan 2017
14.05.2017 | Automotive Photography | Drive-by Snapshots | Japan
Ferves Ranger, Peel P50 and a mysterious racecar
Walking along a sidewalk in Tokyo towards a scale model shop in Akihabara , I instantly stopped in my tracks as I spotted a curious looking face peeking out of a shop window.
Cupping my hands, I looked inside and to my utter amazement it wasn’t a shop at all – but a garage.
The cute little vehicle introduced itself as a Ferves Ranger.
This didn’t ring a bell, but meanwhile I did some research and found out that it is based on a FIAT 500 and was the only car the company ever produced. The paint is immaculate and the upholstery is in my favourite colour. Very stylish combination for a spiaggina.
You may have spotted the Peel P50 hiding right next to the big brother. Every time I see one, it amazes me again how small it actually is. There is a vintage racecar of some description parked behind the Ferves Ranger, but due to the limited angle I have no clue what it actually is.
PS: Dino dalle Carbonare recently featured this Ferves Ranger in the Tokyo Cars & Coffee Italian Edition on Speedhunters.
Sebastian Motsch | instagram @drivebysnapshots