2019Honda NS-X on Hakone Mountain
Automotive Photography / Blog / Car Features / DBS Japan / Drive-by Snapshots / Honda / Japan / Japan 2019 Posted by Sebastian Motsch
Japan 2019
Automotive Photography | Drive-by Snapshots | Japan
Honda NS-X
Impromptu Photoshoot on Hakone Mountain
The first time driving up Hakone Mountain via the Hakone Turnpike Odawara Gate. Expected nothing, hoped for the best and didn’t get disappointed. The rest area at km 5.5 provided a first sight for me: the new Honda NS-X painted in the beautiful orange metallic hue that suits the car so well, especially in sunlight with a blue sky above it.
The rest area offers a stunning scenic view of Odawara. You can also see Odawara Castle perfectly from this elevated position.
Sebastian Motsch | instagram @drivebysnapshots