2017Miyako-jima | Sunayama Beach
Japan 2017
08.05.2017 | Travel Photography | Japan | Miyako-jima
Sunayama Beach
The first destination on our tour around the northern part of Miyako-jima and Ikema-jima took us to Sunayama Beach. We looked briefly at the T-shirt vendors’ display, decided that he didn’t sell anything even remotely the right size and bought water bottles from the vending machine instead. With plenty of water in the backpack we headed towards the beach through dense vegetation with lots of flying insects, beautiful flowers and some rather large spiderwebs. Upon exiting the little jungle, we enjoyed the first view of the sea before descending onto the beach. As we were not yet adjusted to the heat and humidity on the island, we spend a good hour in the shadow after swimming in the calm bay. Back on the road we couldn’t read any of the signs posted – but watched carefully not to run over any squinting crabs.
Sebastian Motsch | instagram @drivebysnapshots