2025Mercedes-Benz L319 V8 Dragster
Mercedes-Benz L319
Automotive Art | Photoshop Chops
V8 Dragster
On a weekend driving trip to the Alps with friends in 2019, I took a picture of a Mercedes-Benz L319 and knew that I would modify it with Adobe Photoshop one day. I totally forgot about the Drive-by Snapshots and it took almost six years until I stumbled upon the pictures again while sorting albums and moving them to my cloud. Now or never, I thought and went straight to work. The first idea was to lift it but I changed my mind and created a V8 Dragster instead because the rear wheel covers seemed perfect to house fat drag slicks. Lowered over American Racing Torque Thrust wheels and converted to an American V8 mounted between the axles I wanted to keep the patina and therefore didn’t modify the body at all. Just a quick chop for fun to see what could be done with it if you’re not keen to restore the L319 to better than new condition.
Thanks to Larry Chen for the background picture.
Sebastian Motsch | instagram @photoshopchops